TC: Temperment Certified- A GSDCA temperment test for German Shepherds to
evaluate their temperment according to the breed standard. Following are the excersises performed for the
temperment test.
Station 1 - Neutral Stranger
Dog and handler are approached by a neutral stranger who stops
and talks to the handler for a moment, ignoring the dog. The dog is graded on its response to the stranger.
Station 2 - Friendly Stranger
Dog and handler are approached by a friendly stranger who
stops and talks to the handler for a moment, making friendly advances towards the dog. The dog is graded on its response to
the stranger.
Station 3 - Hidden Noise
The dog and handler walk towards a blind that has a person hidden
in it. The person in the blind shakes a can of coins. The dogs is graded on its approach, reaction to the noise, and willingness
to investigate.
Station 4 - Gunshots
The dog and handler stand about 10 feet from a person with a starter
pistol. The person fires a starter pistol once. Then after a pause, fires the pistol two more times. The dogs
is graded on its reaction to the noise.
Station 5 - Umbrella
The dog and handler walk towards a person sitting in a chair. When
they are about 5 feet from the tester, the tester opens an umbrella (dog and handler continue to walk forward). The dogs is
graded on its reaction, recovery time, and willingness to investigate. It must be willing to get within a few inches of the
umbrella to pass.
Station 6 - Plastic Surface
The dog and handler walk across a plastic surface (tarp on the
ground). The dog is graded on its reaction to the surface and willingness to walk across it.
Station 7 - X-Pen
The dog walks across an x-pen laid out on the ground. The dog is graded
on its reaction to the surface and willingness to walk across it.
Station 8 - Weird Stranger
A stranger comes out of a blind and approaches from approx. 40
feet away, dressed in lots of baggy clothes and acting drunk, reeling around and making weird noises. When the stranger is
approx. 30 feet away, they begin to act more aggressive, hitting the ground with a stick or riding crop and making more noise.
When they are approx. 20 feet away, they retreat back to the blind. The dog is graded on its reaction to the stranger (in
this case the judge would like to see the dog become alert and/or protective, the dog should either hold their
ground or move foreward toward the aggressive stranger. Hiding behind the handler and showing fear will fail the dog.)
CGC: Canine Good Citizen- Title given to dogs who pass a test for sound
temperment, friendly with strangers and obey basic obedience commands. Following are the excersises performed for the
CGC test.
This is a practical test, demonstrating that the dog will welcome being groomed or examined
by someone other than the owner (i.e. veterinarian, groomer, etc.). The examiner will inspect the dogs general health
condition, ears, and overall cleanliness and grooming. The examiner will pick up each of the dog’s front feet, and lightly
brush or comb the dog. The owner must supply a current rabies certificate, and any other state or locally required inoculation
certificates and license, as well as a brush or comb commonly used on the dog. The handler may talk to the dog, praise and
give encouragement throughout the exercise. The dog must not resist. If your dog is well behaved at the vet, he should have
no problem with this station.
The evaluator walks up to the dog and handler and greets the handler in a friendly manner, ignoring the
dog. The evaluator and handler shake hands and exchange pleasantries. The dog must show no sign of resentment or shyness,
and must not break position (at the handler’s side), or try to go to the evaluator. It is recommended (but not required)
that the dog start in a sitting position at the handler’s side. It will make it less likely that they will break.
The principle feature of this test is to demonstrate that the handler is in control. The evaluator may
use a pre-plotted course, or may direct you with commands. There must be a left turn, right turn, and about turn, with at
least one halt in between and one at the end. The dog is to walk on you left side and not interfere with you actions. The
handler may talk to the dog throughout, praise, and help or command the dog to sit if desired at the halts. The dog does not
need to be in the proper "heel" position, or automatically sit when you stop. Guiding with a tight lead or jerk corrections
will often disqualify you, but talking to the dog and giving him encouragement will not.
You are to walk your dog by several people, they must be sweeping, tossing a ball, or making some other
type of distraction. The dog is not to show fear or aggression, and not to interfere with you or them. Again, as above, you
can talk to and encourage your dog constantly through this exercise. the people you are walking by are not out there to try
to make your dog fail, but to simulate everyday distractions that may occur on an average walk through your neighborhood.
The dog is to be sitting at the handler’s left side. The evaluator approaches and proceeds to pet
the dog on the head and body only. The dog must not show shyness or resentment. The evaluator then circles the dog and handler
competing the test. Again, the handler may talk to the dog throughout the exercise.
This test is to demonstrate that the dog has had some formal training and will respond to the handler’s
commands. The handler may take a reasonable amount of time and use more than one command to make the dog "sit" and then "down".
Most dogs inherently resist the down position. It is the most defenseless position. The CGC rules state that the handler can
use several commands (both verbal and hand signal), and may touch the dog to offer gentle guidance. Forcing the dog into either
position will mean failing the test.
The handler may use more then one command, and a reasonable amount of time, to get the dog into position
(sit or down position being the option of the handler). The handler is to give the command to stay, and when instructed by
the evaluator, drops the leash and walks forward about 20 feet, turns and returns to the dog at a natural pace. The handler
does not need to circle the dog on his return. The dog must remain in whatever position he was left in until the evaluator
instructs the handler to release the dog.
This is much like station #2 (Greet a Person), but something new is added. Tow handlers and their dogs
approach each other from a distance of about ten yards, stop, shake hands and exchange pleasantries, and continue on about
five yards. Again, your dog is to remain on your left side, showing no more than casual interest. Neither dog should go to
the other dog or handler.
This test demonstrates that the dog is confident at all times when faced with distracting conditions.
The evaluator selects two of seven types of distractions: A person on crutches, in a wheelchair, or using a walker; a sudden
closing or opening of a door; dropping a large book; a jogger; good-natured pushing an shoving or animated excited talk and
back-slapping by persons; a person with a shopping cart; or a person on a bicycle. These distractions are well defined in
the rule book and are kept a six to ten foot distance away from the dog. The dog may express a natural interest and curiosity,
and may startle, but should not panic, try to run away, show aggressiveness or bark. The handler may talk to the dog, encourage
or praise it throughout the exercise. Life is full of surprises. Exposure is the best training technique for Stations 8 &
9. Your dog must learn to ignore the type of distractions used in this test.
You are to leave your dog on a 15 foot tie out, and walk out of sight for five minutes. the dog should
not continually bark, whine, howl, or pace unnecessarily or register anything other than mild agitation or nervousness. This
is not a stay exercise and the dogs may stand, sit, lie down and change position during this exercise.
TDI: Therapy Dogs International- A certification that will allow the dogs'
entry (with permission) into places like hospitals and nursing homes. The test includes all excersises from the
CGC test as well as additional tests to evaluate the dogs more thoroughly.
Additional tests for TDI include:
The dog should be tested around medical equipment (such as a wheelchair, crutches, cane, walker, or other devices which
would ordinarily be found in a facility) to judge the dog's reactions to common health care equipment.
The handler with the dog on a loose leash walks past food on the ground (placed within a distance of three feet) and,
upon command, the dog should ignore the food.
This test demonstrates the dog's confidence when exposed to people walking an uneven gait, shuffling, breathing heavily,
coughing, wheezing or other distractions which may be encountered in a facility.
The TDI Certified Evaluator will test the willingness of each dog to visit a person and that the dog can be accessible
for petting (i.e. small dogs can be placed on a person's lap or can be held, medium and larger dogs can sit on a chair or
stand close to the patient to be easily reached).
AKC Obedience Titles
CD: Companion Dog - The first level, Novice, results in your dog earning a Companion Dog (CD) title.
The title actually describes what is expected of your dog: demonstrating the skills required of a good canine companion. The
dog will have to heel both on and off leash at different speeds, come when called, stay (still and quietly!) with a group
of other dogs (1 minute sit stay and 3 minute down stay), and stand for a simple physical exam.
CDX: Companion Dog Excellent - The second level, Open, results in your dog earning a Companion Dog Excellent
(CDX) title. He must do many of the same exercises as in Novice, but off-leash and for longer periods. Additionally, there
are jumping and retrieving tasks. The 3 minute sit stay and 5 minute down stay are out of site from the handler.
UD: Utility Dog - The final level results in a Utility Dog (UD) title. These are the cream of the
crop. In addition to more difficult exercises, the dog also must perform scent discrimination tasks.
OTCH and UDX: The best of the best can go on for more titles. Utility Dogs that place in Open B or Utility
B classes earn points toward an Obedience Trial Champion (OTCH) title, they must place 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th to recieve points
(amount of points depends on the amount of dogs competing) and they must recieve 100 points to achieve an OTCH title. Utility
Dogs that continue to compete and earn legs in both Open B and Utility B at 10 shows receive the title Utility Dog Excellent
Schutzhund Titles
Czech/Slovakian Titles SVV and ZVV are similar to the German SchH title
The BH is a degree for traffic-safe companion dogs that tests the dogs temperament in and around people. It includes
basic formal obedience - heeling on and off leash, sits, downs and recalls - as well as practical tests of the dog’s
character in everyday situations. These include reaction to normal situations involving crowds of people, strange noises,
joggers, cars and other dogs. Before being allowed to enter for a Schutzhund I title, the dog must first have successsfully
completed the BH.
SchH1,2,3-Schutzhund titles consisting of Tracking Obedience and Protection with
a possible score of 100 points available in each phase. A minimum of 70 points in tracking, 70 points in Obedience, and 70
points in Protection are
- Sch H I (novice)
- Sch H II (intermediate)
- Sch H III (master level)
There is also an advanced tracking degree offered, FH.
The sport is designated for all athletic dogs with correct working abilities and is not restricted to a particular group
or breed of dog. Schutzhund is now the fasted growing Dog Sport in North America!
Schutzhund Training Phases
For each of the three titles already discussed above, there are three distinct phases: tracking, obedience, and protection.
In this phase, the dog must draw from inherited abilities by using his/her nose to find a person's track and discover articles
that have been dropped along the way. Depending upon the title sought, all tracks will vary in length, shape and age. Tracking
is usually done in dirt or on grass. A perfect score is 100 points, with a minimum of 70 needed to pass.
The obedience phase involves numerous and demanding exercises which include heeling on and off leash, a gunfire test, walking
through a group of people, motion exercises, recall, a 10-20 minute long down, retrieving, and jumping. A set pattern is demonstrated
by the handler from memory (unlike AKC obedience, where the judge calls the pattern for you). A perfect score is 100 points,
with 70 needed to pass.
This phase of Schutzhund training is very intricate, advanced, and taught with control in mind. It should not be confused
or compared in any way with guard dog or police protection training. A dog competing in the sport of Schutzhund must always
prove to have a reliable temperament and must show courage without viciousness. The "bad guy" or "helper" as he is known in
the sport always wears protective leather pants and a special sleeve with a burlap cover. The dog is allowed to bite this
sleeve and he must bite this in the correct manner. On command, the dog MUST release the bite. A dog will fail if
it does not release the bite when commanded to do so. A perfect score is 100 points, with 80 points needed to pass.
KKL1: koer-klasse one - Breed survey rating---rated "especially
recommended for breeding"
HGH: Herdengebrauchshund - Herding
Dog Title